How to choose the right workspace for your company?

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When an organization takes its first steps, many different aspects have to be taken into account. From market research to financing to legal aspects. Often, not enough time is spent on choosing the right workspace for the company, a decision that carries more weight than you might think.

The place where employees live and spend a large part of their working day has a direct impact on their efficiency and productivity. Responding to their needs in a dynamic way is one of the great challenges of this era of change. Digital transformation has also reached the way offices are conceived today.

The influence of the workspace on organizations

The world is changing faster and faster. What was canon yesterday is outdated today. It is not only the emergence of increasingly mature technologies that is contributing to this frenetic pace. The pandemic and the economic situation have also changed the culture of organizations.

This new way of thinking has led companies to increasingly flexible working models. In this scenario, many have opted for hybrid offices, places where the physical workstations are not fixed and it is possible to combine face-to-face and teleworking.

When choosing a workspace for an organization, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • Location. The chosen space must have good road and public transport connections. This facilitates access not only for employees, but also for customers and prospects.
  • Size. An office must have the right dimensions to be able to accommodate all your employees and the equipment necessary for the development of your activity. In addition, it must have a certain margin for possible staff and/or infrastructure expansions.
  • Design. When choosing a workspace, it is necessary to create an environment in which employees feel comfortable. It should also reflect the image of the brand and the values it stands for.
  • Technology. A workplace must rely on technology for the organization to function effectively. It must have quality Internet access and adequate equipment to guarantee the company’s activity.
  • Ergonomics. The chosen furniture must be adaptable and comfortable for employees.
  • Flexibility. It must be able to respond to the changing needs of the company.
  • Services. Cafeteria, cleaning service, security and reception are not to be missed.
  • Costes. Offices should fit the company’s budget. The price should be commensurate with the size of the organization.
  • Image. A workspace says a lot about an organization. It is essential that it is in accordance with the messages that are transmitted from the company.
  • Atmosphere. The design and decoration influence the mood of the employees. Lighting and the right choice of colors improve the performance of workers.

What should the spaces we work in be like?

A fundamental consideration when looking for an office is the layout of the workspaces. Not only should they encourage communication between employees and the different departments of the company. They must also be flexible, in line with the changing needs of organizations.

Before choosing a workspace, it is necessary to think about which areas are needed for the development of the activity. This decision will allow not only to be more efficient, but also to avoid oversizing the work environment and, therefore, to save on costs.

Although each organization has its own needs, there are a series of spaces that are common to most of them:

  • Individual workstations. Although more and more organizations are choosing not to have fixed spaces, it is essential that they are comfortable. The employee must have enough space to be able to perform his or her tasks efficiently.

These must have comfortable and ergonomic furniture. Many workers spend their entire working day seated and must have chairs that ensure good posture. Otherwise, minor discomfort can occur and affect performance.

  • Entrance. This is the first impression a visitor has when he or she arrives at the office. The reception area should be welcoming, but still professional. It is of vital importance that it does not have many elements, so that it always looks clean and tidy.

At the same time, it must be accessible. It must guarantee the circulation for people with disabilities and be adapted to the regulations in force.

  • Meeting rooms. They serve both internal teams and customers and prospects with whom meetings are held. This dual function means that they must be prepared for multiple uses, and must have technological equipment to support the participants.

They must be spaces that allow fluid communication. The design must be pleasant to encourage creativity and create a calm atmosphere. At the same time, they must guarantee privacy to avoid external interruptions.

  • Common areas. In these areas, employees should be able to rest from their routines. It is important to provide spaces where they can eat their meals, so they should be equipped with basic appliances such as a refrigerator and a microwave, as well as a sink and cooking utensils.
  • Storage spaces. Although the size of these depends on the needs of each organization, they should always be designed before choosing a workspace.

These areas should ensure access to company materials and equipment. The organization of these elements is vital to ensure quick access to what is needed.

Optimizing workspaces through technology

Technology is not only a tool with which to work more efficiently. They contribute to making work spaces more dynamic. Offices are now living entities that change every hour, adapting to people, and not the other way around as was previously the case.

The most obvious advantage is that of enabling teleworking. It allows workers to reconcile work and family life and avoids unnecessary commuting to the workplace.

At the same time, hybrid work models are emerging. In which employees do not go to their workplaces every day, but do so according to their own needs or on the basis of the organization’s requirements.

This new reality changes the way in which company resources are used. It is no longer necessary to accommodate the entire workforce every day of the week. Fewer jobs are needed. At the same time, it is necessary to organize the way in which these and other spaces such as meeting rooms, garages, etc. are accessed.

To provide an effective response to this need, augmented reality has emerged as a disruptive solution. Without using screens or specific devices, or QR codes. Everything in the palm of your hand, only with a smartphone. The benefits of this system are:

  • Efficient organization of resources with less effort.
  • Reduces energy consumption compared to other similar solutions.
  • Improves the Corporate Social Responsibility commitments of organizations.

It is not only a technological innovation, but also a cultural change. Solutions for organizing workspaces based on augmented reality put the employee at the center. Access to workstations, common rooms and parking spaces is much more accessible and faster for employees.

Thus, the Excel spreadsheet that many organizations used until recently is obsolete in this new hybrid and digital model. Augmented reality-based solutions enable efficient space management and shorten booking times.

New technologies, new workspaces

The decision to choose a workspace today responds to new criteria. Offices are no longer static environments where employees simply spend their working day. They are now flexible and adaptable areas where the daily needs of individuals and organizations must be met.

Augmented reality puts the employee at the center. It allows employees to choose the workspace where they want to do their work each day they come to work. It also streamlines and automates internal processes by allowing everyone to check availability and reserve common areas.

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